Riding the Technology Wave

I’ve been spending the week visiting my parents in my hometown Kolkata. While rummaging through my box of childhood memories, I found a plastic bag containing close to a hundred CDs and DVDs. Each of those discs were labelled neatly and in chronological order.

  • ‘My Movies’ #1-#37
  • ‘My Music’ #1-#28
  • ‘Softwares and Utilities’ 2007 – 13
  • A bunch of  Windows/Linux images
  • Games. Lots and lots of games. From 100 in 1 games to 3-Disc FIFA!

I was taken aback by how fast we’ve come along. The child in me had convincingly thought that these disc backups would be needed by me for longer than it actually did. Unfortunately their role had been reduced from necessary backups of data to mere mementos for nostalgia trips, like the pages of an old diary.

Back in those days, I remembered how most of our time was spent offline. Post 11:00PM when the telephone lines were free, was the time which could be used by my 56kbps modem to sluggishly connect to the world of information and discovery.

Right now all of my devices are connected 24×7, and they’re constantly communicating, keeping each other in sync. Movies are limited to theatres, and music has moved completely online to Spotify and YouTube. Games have also moved to an Xbox wired to the TV, downloading and updating automatically over wifi.

10 years will seem like a long time for technology to have progressed so fast, unless compared to it’s speed for the past century.

We are near to the steepest edge of the exponential curve of the advancement of technology vs time. Or are have we just begin our ascent?

It feels great to be riding the wave. It feels great to dream about 10 years down the line. It is indeed an exciting time to be alive.

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